Posted on 2/18/2021
Your car contains different fluids that help run it. Over time, these fluids get depleted or even collect contaminants. The pollutants may slow down the vehicle's performance; thus, regular fluid servicing is essential for a safe driving experience. During fluid servicing, the mechanic might recommend flushing out the fluids and replacing them with new ones. The entire system is then cleansed with water or specialized cleaning fluid to eliminate any grit or grime built up over time. Some of the fluids in your car include; Transmission Fluid Some mechanics recommend changing the transmission fluid every 60,000 to 100000 miles. However, this is also determined by the type of vehicle you are driving, so you have to make sure you follow the manufacturer's recommendations unless you detect some issues. Brake Fluid Brake fluid exchanges are rare but critical if moisture enters the braking system and causes it to rust. If the fluid overheats, it ... read more
Posted on 1/14/2021
In most times, junk, debris, particulates and other materials may affect the vehicles from smooth running. Filters are important components that allow in the good stuff and get rid of the vehicle's harmful stuff. There are different types of filters in the vehicle, and they function to maintain the vehicle's functionality in different ways. Engine air filter The air filter keeps the air going into the engine clean, free from all impurities that would hamper functionality. It keeps away insects, water, road debris, pollen and everything that would clog the engine and make it to break down. The filtering also helps maintain the fuel economy and keeps the vehicle running smoothly. If the air filter was clogged, it limits airflow into the engine. The air filter should thus be replaced every 25,000 kilometers. Fuel filter The fuel filter is inside the fuel tank. It prevents dirt and debris from making contact with the fuel injectors. In diesel engines, the fuel filter prevents c ... read more