Robert here, reporting again from Model Garage world headquarters. As always, hoping the world is treating you well and you are doing your best to return the favor!
As we patiently await spring to be sprung from its winter hibernation, it’s time once again time to check in, but more importantly, we just want to thank you for being part of the Model Garage family.

This spring, We want to encourage you to spend some money fixing a thing or two on your car that will improve your safety, comfort or every day enjoyment. Items like a new set of wiper blades or new nozzles for the wiper/washers. Then you can clear the windshield of the morning dew as well as making it easier to see when it is raining. Have your headlight lenses professionally cleaned, you will literally be able to see the difference. Replace the worn struts on the liftgate or trunk lid. It can cost up to $300.00, or more, on some vehicles to do this repair. But just imagine, no more having the liftgate hit you in the head when loading the dog or some groceries. You can also retire that stick you have been using to hold it open. What about that sun visor that won’t stay up and hits you in the head when you get in? Go ahead, get a new one.
Come in, let’s talk. From now until the end of April, we would like to extend a 10% discount off of these repairs. We have other ideas that can bring back some of the enjoyment and feel that may be missing from your driving experience. Worn suspension shocks and/or struts, broken lights or mirrors, worn seats or seat belts, power windows and power door locks, low tire pressure sensors, the list goes on. If your plan is to keep your car for even as little as a couple of years, do yourself a favor and fix that thing that has been annoying you!

This time in the new stuff column, it’s kind of a 2 for 1, because it’s also on the treat yourself list. We have a new process to restore your cloudy headlight lenses. The results are truly amazing. In most cases they can be restored very close to original condition. Much like cleaning your glasses, when we are finished with your headlight lenses, the light from the bulbs will be able to shine through the lenses and once again light up the road in front of you. Forget those kits they sell online or at the parts store. We offer professional results you just can’t get at home.

Since this is a 2for, from now until the end of April, we will restore your headlight lenses as well as super clean your windshield and apply some RainX. If you have never had RainX on your windshield, you’re in for a treat.
If you need wiper blades, we will extend a 10% discount off of OEM replacements until the end of April as well.

This is a time-consuming process and comes at a cost of $175.00. Your amazement comes at no additional charge. Due to the time it takes to make this happen, please set up an appointment that includes leaving your vehicle for most of the day. Please note, the results we promise are amazing but not a miracle. There are some headlight defects we can not coax out of retirement. Things like moisture or cracking on the insides of the lenses.

Even if you have only been to the Model Garage once, it was hard not to notice the photos that cover a good portion of our inside walls here at Model Garage world headquarters. They are an important part of our history going back many years. Most of these photos are of our wonderful customers, past and present. In most case taken at some exotic location from the far reaches of our planet, while dawning the ever-popular Model Garage Cloud Shirt.
I have been doing some cleaning and rearranging of this vast collection. I am also setting up a gallery in our world class customer lounge. So, next time you’re here, take a few minutes to look around, there are truly some interesting shots, maybe even one of you!
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Thank you for taking the time to make this message a part of your day!
Thank you from all of us here at the Model Garage for being the best part of our day!
Until next time!
Robert and the entire Model Garage Team!